Mai 10, 2009


May 1, 2009. Vienna. We were out bowling last Friday. Again half frame pictures. Click the photo to see the whole series, click a photo in the “series view” to see it in even bigger size.

Bowling on 35mm half frame. © Christian Pitschl

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Nov. 13, 2008

Expired Weekend: P a r t y !

October 31, 2008. Vienna. We were at the release party of a comic book label at Einbaumöbel and went to the B72 afterwards. Shot on long-time expired 35mm film.

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Okt. 22, 2008

Archive: Roma, 2004

Smeidu, Michi, Flox, Max and I went to Rome in May 2004. I’ve just found pictures of that trip nobody has ever seen before. Click front picture to see the series!

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