Aug. 16, 2011
October 4 – October 7, 2010. Längenfeld, Austria. We’ve had this tradition for a few years now: My parents treat me and my brother to some days in a SPA hotel every fall, so that we have some family time away from home once a year. We’re usually going to a place somewhere in the middle between Vienna, Austria and Bolzano, Italy. I just found these pictures so I thought I’d upload them. Click the photo to see the whole series, click a photo in the “series view” to see it in even bigger size.
Sep. 17, 2009
Chris And The Other Girls recording session
August 24 – 28, 2009. Vienna. We recorded a cover version of the song „I Wanna Know What Love Is“ for the sampler I was talking about in the last post. Here are some pictures I shot. Click the photo to see the whole series, click a photo in the “series view” to see it in even bigger size.
Mai 20, 2009
May 7, 2009. Vienna, Museumsquartier. I went to the theatre that Thursday and met some friends at the Museumquartier afterwards. The place was crowded, summer opening! Is it accident or why is everybody wearing prune, pink and violet these days? Click the photo to see the whole series, click a photo in the “series view” to see it in even bigger size.