Jul 12, 2009

Wedding – Bergen Aan Zee, The Netherlands

June 18 – 21, 2009. Vienna – Bergen Aan Zee – Egmond Aan Zee – Amsterdam. Daniel Gebhart asked me to shoot his weeding some months ago. On June 18, my brother Lukas and I took the plane to Amsterdam, spent a few days in Bergen, Egmond and Amsterdam. These are some of the pictures I took during that trip. Click the photo to see the whole series, click a photo in the “series view” to see it in even bigger size.

Wedding, on 35mm, medium format and digital. Photos by Christian Pitschl

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Okt 29, 2008

Party: Stumpergasse 2008

Vienna, October 25, 2008 – Awesome flat party with super nice people. Click to see the series!

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Okt 13, 2008

Singstar / VICE

Vienna, Ragnarhof. October 9,

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